Thursday, April 23, 2009

Creation Is A POSITIVE Drug

Hello everyone! How is everybody? I am doing fantastic! Things have been going really great this week. I created a Music Myspace for all of you to check out and add me!

Also, I recorded a scratch demo of the first single from my album. It's a song that was written by me and my late choir director and great friend, Mr. Donald Truesdail. The guitar you hear in the song is Mr. Truesdail playing. The demo is posted on the music myspace. I am going to re-record the vocals though and make it more clearer because there is some feedback that shouldn't be there in the demo, as you all will know when you hear it. So, that's my plan. You know, I love creating things. Robin Williams once said, "Creation is the greatest drug". THAT IS VERY TRUE! It is, because I'm high on that drug 24/7! (HA! J/K) It's really beautiful when you create something, whether its a human, a song, a painting, a script, a book. Anything! It's wonderful. You get real big thrills out of it! It's a postitive drug. Creation is a gift, it's a talent, a built in talent in all of us. It's just our choice to use it or not. I've made the decision long ago to use the talent, gift and knowledge of music and writing as a carreer, love and passion. God blessed me with those gifts and talent and I intend to use them the best way I know how.

Music is in my soul, in my heart, mind and body. I love it! It's my passion. Writing is also a passion of mine. People can say that there are several different types of genres of writing, and that may be true.... BUT, writing is universal, like music. Its still creation no matter what label you put on it. Screenwriters write scripts, so do I. I often find myself getting thrills when I write story lines. It's amazing. (Thats the power of the drug I guess). I get these ideas and I just write or type them up on paper. I write my songs, hand written because I think it is very important to see your work in your own hand writing, if it's typed, it makes the mood seem a little artifical (to me). I do however, type my scripts. I am not about to write a 45 page script with 700-something lines. My point is, creation is the greatest GIFT of all..... along with love right behind it!

I love doing what I do, and I'm just getting started! Expect my brand new single to be released sometime next week. I will post the real single on my music profile. The demo is just a test. I will talk to you all very soon!

Always follow your dreams!

with love from,


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