Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's Been a Long Time

Well hello everyone! It has been a really long time since I've written a blog and I apologize for that. As I have always done with these blogs, I am going to catch you up on some stuff I have been doing with my music. I have a drum machine and I have been spending sometime with that, I still haven't figured out all the gidgets to it yet. But I will! Unfourtnately there has been no recording done so far. Well, maybe a little but not as much as I expected to do. It is lack of a studio and equimpment that it holding me back. I have spoken to my uncle though and we are going to be setting up dates real soon. So keep on reading my blogs to find out more about that.

I hopefully will be posting a brand new video blog soon. I was going to post one up on my thoughts about the loss of Michael Jackson but due to lack of a webcam that never happened. I did however, as you know, posted a written blog about my feelings and thoughts on the loss of the true american icon. I plan on doing more recording very soon! I will of course keep you updated. Look forward to regularly written blogs every week! I love you all from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for all your wonderful love and support and I will talk to you very soon!

Always follow your dreams!

With love from,